Thursday, April 3, 2008


Thanks to time zone differences, today is really my publication day!

Here is the link for anyone who is interested.

It's a micro-fiction piece, published by the wonderful Alienskin e-zine. I admire Alienskin - they seem genuinely interested in writing and encouraging new writers, they are a paying market, and best of all, they give feedback with rejections. Naturally they have the highest of standards and recognise genius... :)

Micro-fiction, in Alienskin's case anyway, is a story of exactly 150 words, no more and no less (think of Shylock and the pound of flesh). Very difficult... well, I was lucky with this one (Thanks, Toffee!).

It's weird seeing my name on the site. Great but kind of strange.


Inkpot said...

I stayed up late last night to see the new edition but I didn't stay up late enough and it was this morning before I saw your story. CONGRATULATIONS!!! It is brilliant to see your name in print. I don't think you got lucky, your story is really good and they recognised the good stuff when they saw it. Well done

Valpot said...

Thanks, inkpot - you're a star!

Here's hoping Alienskin will continue to recognise genius... :)