Wednesday, April 23, 2008


April has been such a busy month. Inspired by the success of Inkpot, I submitted 6 stories this month. As you know, dear reader, 1 microfiction has already been published, and another will be published next January.

As if that wasn't enough, I am trying to enter a competition with a closing date next Thursday, edit a novella for next Wednesday and get a lot of work done on my chapbook. Other competitions and deadlines are looming up in May so May will be busy too.

There is also the tiny matter of doing some MOS exams and getting a job to fund all this writing. The only problem with that is that a job will leave me with little time or energy to write (that was the case with my last job anyway, I know lots of people can do both.)

I hope I can keep up this productivity!


Inkpot said...

You have had a fantastic month. Well done. Don't worry about writing when you have a job, just get as much done now when you have the time. Here is to May being as productive and successful as April was! :)

Valinora Troy said...

Or even better!