Friday, January 25, 2008


I really don't understand how it works (and not sure I want to spend any time finding out)!

I have 8 articles published - one is no. 36/41, and strangely enough has earned me 21 cent! I think it used to be higher in the ratings.

My best one is no. 3/250 (earned 3 cent and it's been no 3 for a while).

I also have 32/173, 10/13 (Poor St. Albert!), 4/68, 7/90, 18/119 and 3/4.

None are worth reading (so don't bother) but I have found it quite a useful practice for writing articles, trying to formulate thoughts in a rational structured way. But so time-consuming, as are the necessary ratings.

I think I really will have to give it up!


Inkpot said...

Congrats, you are really making money now! :) I think helium is a good sounding board and inspiration for articles, as you say. I don't think you should give it up, just be more moderate with your time. Only give yourself 30mins to an 1hr a day. Moderation, in everything, is the answer.

Valpot said...

Wise words! I must discipline myself!

Anonymous said...

your ratings are impressive- but money wise - not worth it!