Sunday, January 27, 2008


Writing wise... VERY bad!! Didn't get my short story done.

On the positive side, I sent off TLD to a couple more agents.

And started my photography course with Pinky in Wednesday night. We were up at 6.30 am today to get to Glendalough for a field trip. Not only did we spend four hours there, I spend the rest of the day going through my shots editing and deciding which to submit to the tutor. Only just finished now.

Almost finished my SECOND book for the year (reading, not writing). I read the Colour of Light by William Goldman - an interesting, quite compelling read with a brilliantly drawn (though not very likable) hero who had everything he ever dreamed of landed on his plate, yet did nothing with it. Almost finished The Chins of America your.

To Vickythistles64: Will be starting on the next Lucky Diamond story soon - have thought out new beginning chapters!


Anonymous said...

At last some information to the thirsty fan! Yeah!!! Forget about photography and short stories and write the good stuff (of course, I'm sure all your writing is the good stuff)
btw, thanks for mentioning me in your post, it made my day :)

Valpot said...

You're welcome, Vickythistles64!