Thursday, January 10, 2008


Not much writing done today. However, I did some of that magazine research I have been putting off for months. I spent over an hour in Easons, scribbling furiously as I went through some of the weekly magazines for women, looking for those that either paid for letters, photos or tips, or published fiction. I only got through 13 magazines during that time - it would have been great to have had someone with me or even a tape recorder! I'm amazed Easons didn't throw me out - they were very busy most of that time, with long queues at the till.

It's incredible how the magazine market has expanded along with the Celtic tiger. You can get a magazine on almost any subject now! They even had one for "Your Child's First Communion". I flicked through that and the article which I think was meant to be "religious" was pretty bad - most of it was about a Rabbi praying in a wood. Written by the head of the Catechists or something like that.

Anyway, time to get back to my short story!


Anonymous said...

Wow! That sounds hard - and boring. Why are wasting your time leafing through these magazines when you should be writing the next LD book???

Inkpot said...

Very impressed by all your research. I was going to head down to the library, but they wouldn't have the same variety as Easons. Might go to DKIT library though, they have loads of technical publications which are often good paying markets. It is amazing the amount of mags available now. I haven't seen the 1st Holy Communion one, but there are TWO tattoo magazines available in Easons in Dundalk.